Pages is a stack of pages that controls the local history for a NavigationControl.

It should be bound to a JavaScript observable array. The highest index page will always be the active page for the control. As pages are added/removed from this array the navigation state will change.

The items in the array are objects, either explicitly created or via the Model feature. They should contain the the $path property which specifies the path to use. The object itself will be added to the data context for the page, allowing lookups from within the object.

The $navigationRequest property may be used to fine-tune how transitions to the pages performed. Without this property the control will infer the type of transition based on how the array has been modified. The properties are a subset of those offered by modifyPath:

- `transition`: Either `Bypass` or `Transition`
- `style`: The style of the operation, which can be used as a matching criteria in transitions.
- `operation`: `Pop`, `Replace`, `Push` or `Goto`


Fuse.Controls.Navigation 2.9.1

